Defy the stigma of


The caption “New Year, New You” has been recycled so many times that it’s practically become a mantra for New Year’s resolutions. Personally, I’ve found the #BeYouButBetter campaign to be a refreshing take on #BodyGoals, gaining traction as a hashtag every January. Its message resonates with me deeply, urging us not to overhaul ourselves but instead to appreciate and enhance what we already possess. In today’s social media-driven world, there’s immense pressure to conform to the idealized images of influencers. Perfect bodies, flawless makeup, and airbrushed skin seem to be the standard for every Instagram post. Yet, this concept of self-improvement is rooted in acceptance, reminding us that change should be about our own growth, not just for public consumption.

It Takes Courage to Tell The Truth

It’s not often that we want to hear or see the truth about ourselves. However, when we do accept what we see in the mirror or hear advice from our closest friends, it can bring out the best in us. I have delicately captured images that encourage body positivity and self-acceptance, and pairing them with truthful captions sheds light on our insecurities and helps us to improve ourselves.

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